Monday, May 18, 2009

Time Wasting

We had to wast some time at the church on Sat. night so I grabbed my camera and got a few new favorites. 

There is a new post below so keep reading!


Anonymous said...

Thosse are great pics! Alaire looks so sweet and innocent! ;o)

oma said...

I can see why these are new favorites...they are adorable! Loved the story about Ellis' program. I'm glad he was really into it....makes it so much fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Man those are some good pics! Perfect light!


The Purvis Family said...

LOVE the portraits :)

erin ward said...

i love that middle pic of ellis - like a senior pic. and alaire looks just like you in that last one!

sheltonfamily said...

Precious pictures.... Alaire's facial expression totally looks like Ellis! We just got a new camera and I am soooooo excited!