Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Part 3: Sunday

We do church as a family on Saturday nights and then on Sundays the kids and I pack up and go to the site church near our house to coordinate the Early childhood LifeKids program. 

I got them all dressed up again in outfit #2 and we also attempt photo shoot #2 which you can see failed as much as #1. I'm sure I will appreciate the chocolate face, nose picking, and doughnut eating at some point down the road but I really was hoping to get one cute picture of them!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

That donut is as big as Alaire is. They look cute with the chocolate and the buggies!

O'pa said...

Hey, Sounds like you had a great Easter time. The kids look great. I think their outfits are sharp! Wish O'ma and I could have been there with you. Love, O'pa

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Alaire looks so sweet, especially in her little fancy pink coat!

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for her to fit into that coat! well I love it and I think she might just fit into it next year too!

oma said...

What's not to like/love about those cuties? I love those pictures already! They are very endearing. Glad you had such a great Easter Weekend. (You all deserve Mon. and Tues. off with Daddy!)

sheltonfamily said...

I give up on getting good pictures especially ones of the girls together. It is totally impossible these days! Alaire looks so grown up and sweet.

Andrea said...

Your kids totally crack me up with the nose-picking, cheesy smiles, etc. I so badly want to meet them and let our two timid little toddlers get to know one another! Maybe someday. =) Your family picture outside turned out great if you ask me---I especially like Alaire's precious. And I think Callie would react the same way at an egg hunt as Ellis did...she just doesn't like big crowds or being expected to do something in front of other people. It's frustrating, but her personality, I guess. Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Like Father like Son!
