Friday, April 17, 2009

Boat Building 101

It rained and poured for fourty long daysees daysees...... well okay, maybe it hasn't been raining for 40 days just yet but it has been over 30 hours!! 

I had a meeting last night and when I got home there were tons of wet pieces of clothing hang up all over the house waiting to dry. Trevor and Ellis made boats together last spring and Ellis still remembers it. Trevor said he was so excited while they were doing it last night and he has been talking about it all day. As soon as dinner was over tonight we headed back out for another race. 


oma said...

Rain and then it snowed AGAIN? What fun playing in the rain and racing boats! Ellis is a pretty tough competitor I hear. Kept beating dear o' Dad!?! Where was Alaire while all the "racing" was happenin'?

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Maybe the NZ DIY would love to have your directions...we would have to work with the photographer a little though.

What a cool thing. So now, any snow?

Anonymous said...

I am going to have that song on my head all day now...thanks! Looks like fun racing boats. I love doing things that they are just too darn excited exciting!

Andrea said...

That is so those daddy/son moments---so fun!