Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Likes and Dislikes

We have tons of pictures from the last few days but not really a lot of stories to go along with it. We have just been playing outside, eating ice cream, riding bikes, and enjoying all of this beautiful weather! 
Since we don't have much to talk about I'm going to give you a likes and dislikes list for the both of them.

Ellis Likes...
  • basketball
  • tackle basketball
  • riding his bike (with the blue helmet, not the red one)
  • playing wii (don't take it back to church dad)
  • any meat we call chicken
  • treats from the treat bucket
  • wearing only underwear to bed like dad
  • doing anything in his underwear (like dad)
  • his tennis shoes
  • this is the song that never ends...
Ellis Dislikes....
  • Having his hair combed
  • spinach
  • sitting on the step
  • having his clothes picked out for him
  • when Alaire wants to be or do something just like he is doing it
  • heights
  • having anyone watch him

Alaire Likes....
  • baby dolls
  • brushing her teeth
  • playing in the bathroom (she isn't allowed) 
  • climbing on anything she can find to climb on
  • cheese
  • cheez-its
  • Ellis
  • books
  • food in general
  • Eli
  • Dora! 
  • piggy back rides
  • saying "no"
  • shoes

Alaire Dislikes...
  • being told that "we don't play in the bathroom"
  • sharing
  • not being able to pick out her own shoes
  • having her hair combed
  • broccoli
  • leaving the park
  • holding your hand in the parking lot!
  • the carmel in a Rolo


Jan AKA Wammy said...

This cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

Ellis REALLY needs a new hat!!!!!!! Good thing he has an auntie Em that is off today!

oma said...

Loved the "Likes and Dislikes" lists. So fun to know what they are "in to". The pics are great, too. They both have tons of personality! No surprise there.... just look at Mom & Dad!!!

sheltonfamily said...

Wow.... Alaire and Anna could be twins. Anna is so difficult with shoes, clothes, etc... not fun and hates her hair brushed, but loves to brush her teeth as well. It is so strange how different my girlies are these days!