Thursday, March 26, 2009

Told you so!

We went out pretty early this morning so that explains the dreary overcast looking pictures. I don't know how much we have but it has just started up again so I will update with a total when I see it on the news tonight. 

The kids had a blast riding in their sled around the front yard. We didn't really stay out that long because there was so much wind. Once inside we had our hot chocolate and then Trevor and I took turns going out to attempt chasing Eli back into the house. Trevor ended up getting him after about 2 hrs!!! He said there really wasn't a trick but that Eli was just really ready to come in. 

Ellis and Alaire have now been sleeping for 4 hrs. and 15 min. so maybe a big snow day isn't so bad after all, besides we are supposed to be back in the 50's on Sunday!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

WOW! Love tha you have snow...all we have is rain and then more rain. I want to see the yardstick in the snow for the official numbers. Have I seen that ski hat that Ellis has on before...maybe when Sarah took ski lessons in WV?

sheltonfamily said...

Wow... craziness.... so I can't believe Ellis still can sleep that long... Ellie would be up till midnight if I let her sleep more than 1 hour. Enjoy your snow... so jealous.... not one flake in TX the whole winter.

Anonymous said...

What a snow storm! You can really get a feel for it from the angle of the snow falling across the pictures of Ellis in his cute jester hat!

(Eli is still giving you guys a heap of trouble I see.)

Anonymous said...

Alaire looks like she's lovin it! You can see her eyes are sparkling and the grin behind her paci.

Is the snow clean enough to make ice cream out of it?

oodrea1221 said...

Ashley had that black print outfit...too cute...I miss those days...LOVED the baby girl clothes! Love the snow pics too...I still have to post mine... at least they are's almost 2:00 in the morning...I guess I should TRY to go to sleep! Argh!