Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is it true?

These pictures were taken yesterday. We had fun playing outside in the sun shine just like we have for the last week or two. Stay tuned though because if we actually get as much snow as they are saying we are the coming pictures will look nothing like this!!


Anonymous said...

Gotta love COlorado weather! That's definitely one thing I don't miss! We are supposed to get snow but nothing like you guys are...I guess we'll see!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of many Springs Breaks growing up.
Start the week with sunshine...end it with a snow storm!

Andrea said...

Wow, what a change in weather! Kind of reminds me of Kentucky weather. 80 degrees one day, 50 the next. But the snow is fun while it lasts, at least in my opinion. Alaire looks so grown up in the tee ball pictures! Cute cute cute.