Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunny Shiny Days

We went to the zoo on Wednesday. I am always surprised at how much they love the zoo. We have been there so many times that Ellis knows what animals are next and it is never boring to them. I love the zoo because they seem to find something new and exciting every time..... and they sleep incredibly well for nap time. Wednesday they both went from 1 p.m. to 4:45. 

Wednesday was pretty but today was absolutely gorgeous. We spent tons of time outside today.  I think we took every single ball that we own outside with us. We played golf, basketball, baseball, football and soccer. We even attempted trying to get Eli to fetch but that went over like a lead balloon with him. 

Once Alaire had had enough of her brother ordering her around with the balls we moved on the water painting the pavers and all of out rocks. At the end of it all they both had their shoes off painting their piggies. 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

We need to see pics of their favorite animals.

Anonymous said...

The Zoo is always is playing outside in the sunshine!