Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Naughty Leprechauns

After breakfast this morning I asked Ellis how he thought we should celebrate St. Patrick's day. He said, "well lets just have a Wammy donut." 

I knew exactly what he was talking about but I didn't know he had come up with his own name for powdered donuts. I do have to say though, that it is a very fitting name. Wammy LOVES powdered donuts.  I was actually on the phone when Ellis said it and my dad said they should be called Pappy donuts. I reminded him that he may be buying them but she is the one feeding them!

After the little party we went out to play and they went straight to the dog house. After the day we have had that is pretty much were they should have stayed but tomorrow is another day right??


Anonymous said...

Sounds like our house. I have wanted to send both of my kids to the dog house lately. I think we should all take a mom's vacation for a weekend and just relax!

leigh ann said...

i love alaire's face. is that her new picture smile?

know what? when i posted the link to those videos from the conference today, i thought, cassie marie needs to go to one of these. next time we hear of one, let's make sure we go together! i mean it..

katy said...

What cuties! Alaire and Kendra look like they could find a lot of trouble together. :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I need some Wammy donuts!