Sunday, March 22, 2009

Random Summer Fun

I would like to apologize ahead of time for this post. I have had an incredibly busy last few days and it isn't over yet. I just wanted to update but don't have time for tons of stories.

This is what Alaire does when she sees Ellis swinging. He is attempting to learn how to pump himself. Her "pumping" is a little over the top and it gets me laughing every time!

It was so sunny that I went searching for hats. Alaire insisted on wearing this one even though it doesn't fit her head at all.

From there she moved on to a snow hat, somehow perfect for the 75 degree day???

Friday we went to the zoo with our friends from church, Daniel and Ashley and their mom Andrea.

This one is for Ms. Renee

The polar bear was actually swimming!

Saturday we spent the day at a track meet watching a bunch of the students from church in different events. We all had fun but Ellis had a blast!! I bought him his very own lightening mcqueen lawn chair. Check out the shades!

Ellis was dying to race daddy. He won the race and Alaire took a tumble and skinned her knees.

It was nothing that the new chair couldn't fix.

Alaire now eats salsa with a spoon.


Anonymous said...

Salsa with a spoon? That might be one of the grossest things...but you can't help but smile when she is so cute! Can't believe it's been so nice...glad you've been able to enjoy it!

katy said...

Your kids crack me up! It looks like you all had a great weekend. :) Alaire with the salsa... man, that's pretty interesting!

The Purvis Family said...

salsa with a spoon....sounds just like her it will be ketchup straight out of the packet!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm with Jen...kethup will be next! Our calendar says that it is spring...I want to move to CO if it is already summer.