Thursday, March 12, 2009

Out of Work

On our way home from church this morning Ellis announced from the back seat that as soon as he got home he was going to go poop and that he could wipe is own bottom and wash his own hands. I just acknowledged that he had spoken and then he piped up again with, "I said I don't need you." It hit me a lit harshly. I mean I know he was talking about the whole bottom wiping process but I got to thinking that when the day comes that he really truly doesn't "need" me anymore I hope he is a little more gentle with the way he goes about saying it. I have heard it said that the biggest job of a mom is to work herself out of a job but right now I imagine that day as being a little rough for me so I hope he breaks it to me easy!


leigh ann said...

well..ellis is just letting you know he's a big far nobody's made any announcements at my house...i think it's a gradual process and you know it as it happens. and even though each part has made me a little sad (some more than others) i've kind of seen each one coming. and God will help you be ready.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Does that mean that LeighAnn still wipes butts at her house? That's okay Cassie...they will always need there Mom just different ways in different times.

The Shellabys said...

I know the feeling... Ireland reminds me often that she doesn't need my help for everyday things... it is amazing a very sad how fast they grow up... I already pray for God to prepare me to let go! I will need all the help I can get! :)

Andrea said...

I have those thoughts sometimes, too, like when I hang up the phone with my mom and I feel so independent and that I don't "need" her anymore...Of course I love her & call her for advice and stuff, but you know what I mean...It's hard to think about that day, whenever it actually comes, but I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be my kids' world...for the moment! =)

leigh ann said...

this is for jan...NO.
i did at work but in my new job i don't even do it at work anymore. =)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry leigh ann I think that mom probably still wipes Bryce's bottom if not, I know she still cuts his toe nails!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

You all are sick...I can't remember when the last time Bryce's toenails were cut. You all are just jealous.