Monday, March 02, 2009

A Day at the Park

This was lunch today, after the park. Alaire and Ellis had Mac and Cheese, and loved it! In this picture her mouth is actually full of grapes but I think you can see how much she enjoyed all of it.

Ellis has asked so many times in the last week to go to a basketball park. The temperature has been fine but it has been so incredibly windy that I have always had to tell him that he would have to wait.  

We went today and they both loved every second of it. We went to two different parks near our house and Trevor and I are thinking about doing this sort of thing more often. We enjoyed ourselves as well and then to make it even better nap time was more than 3 hours long for BOTH of them! (and Trevor and I did our fare share of napping as well!) 


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been so nice! I hope it stays that way for when we are there...glad you are able to enjoy it.

Katie R said...

so fun!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Alaire looks like if she doesn't hold on that she will fly away. Send some of that good weather here please...we have some bike riding and yard work to do.