Saturday, February 21, 2009

What a Day!

We just had a great Saturday!! This is how it all began, under the covers with cartoons!

We spent most of the day in our PJ's but after nap time we did put clothes on long enough to go out and enjoy the sunshine.

Our church rented out the rec. center right by our house for a few hours tonight and we had a blast. We love going there to swim so as soon as they found out we were going they were so excited. Alaire decided to go all out and wear her pretties along with her swimsuit.

Alaire and I didn't stay in for long because the water was colder than normal but Ellis spent every second in the water. He was so brave this time and wanted to try the log jump. He did it once and didn't want to leave. He told Trevor when he went to bed that he wanted to go do that log thing again with the vest. "And dad don't forget my goggles." He swears that his Bob the Builder safety goggles and Trevor's ski goggles are for the pool.


Anonymous said...

Love Alaire's bathing suit!

The Purvis Family said...

alaire is that she is wearing her pretties with her bathing suit!!

Anonymous said...

that was a fun night! Ellis did those logs probably 30 times in an hour!


Anonymous said...

Will we get to go to the rec. center while I'm there? I'll be sure to bring my own swim stuff! Ellis looks brave on the logs and I love how cute Alaire looks in her pink suit with her pretties.