Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We've got the sniffles

Trevor had a cold about a week ago and Ellis and Alaire just got over theirs on Saturday. I seem to have just picked it up on Sunday. All of that to say this is why we haven't been around in a while. About the only thing we have done in the last 3 days is go to the library. 

Eli jumped the fence yesterday when we were eating dinner. After loading the kids into the car it was pretty easy getting him back. We were half way out of the garage when Ellis said, "look mom there is Eli." He was standing in the front yard so I opened the tailgate and he hopped right in. When we came inside Eli ran right to the sliding door so that I would let him outside. I went on and on all for Ellis' sake, "sorry Eli, you disobeyed so that means you are loosing your privilege." Later on I was cleaning up the kitchen and Eli was at the door again begging to go out. Ellis ran right up to him and said, "sorry Eli, you are in a heck of trouble so you lost your privilege."


Anonymous said...

not to mention your 100.4 degree temperature or the finger you slammed in the door on your way to rescue the dog you wanted to kill! My wife is Amazing!!!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

She comes from strong stock! Just look at it all this way, next week will surely be better.

maren said...

Cassie- you're hardcore - obviously. :o) And Ellis is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny the things you will use to teach your kids a lesson. Gotta love it. Hope you are all feeling better.

Anonymous said...

If you had to be that sick... I'm glad it wasn't the weekend you planned to go to the women's Retreat!
Hope you are feeling better!
Sounds like Ellis got your point with Eli.