Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sarah Beth

Many of you know the story of my cousin Sarah Beth. (If you don't check out her online diary.) She was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago and has been fighting ever since. In the last year or so the area of concern has been her brain. She has already had one surgery to remove a brain tumor and is now facing her second. The tumor has grown to 4 cm. and 3 of her doctors have advised that she have the surgery now. They have suggested today (Saturday) or early in the week. Sarah has opted for Monday or Tuesday so that she can get the word out and ask people to pray.... so please to a take a few moments and pray for my cousin you can't imagine how much she would appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

We will be praying. I know how much of a battle this has been for her, and your entire family.

Erin said...

Am praying.

Becca said...

I'm praying...Keep us posted.