Monday, February 16, 2009

Cookies with The Amish

Okay that title makes no sense at all but I wanted to put these pictures together in one post because I'm feeling a little lazy right now. 

Doesn't Ellis look Amish in this!  It is a hat used as a prop in Sunday School.

I'm pretty sure the Amish wouldn't want her, she has a little to much spunk! 

I'm noticing a little variation in the smile lately. She is still always squinting her eyes but there have been a few times where she closes her mouth a little now. I remember when Ellis went through this stage and wishing it would hurry up and pass so that I could get some cute pictures. Now that Alaire is doing it I'm hoping it sticks around. I think it is sooo cute!

We made cookies tonight. Ellis loved it, and loved eating the dough.

This one is blurry but I had to show you that Alaire loved it as well.


Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I loved the title! Ellis does look like a little Amish boy in the hat. :) And I think Alaire's smile is'll miss it once the stage has passed!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Too funny! I love the "Amish " hat. There is a certian order that the men have haircuts like that....Dad knows the is really long. Alaire just cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

Ellis makes a really cute Amish boy and Alaire's smile cracks me up! They are adorable.
Was there any cookie dough left to actually make cookies? (If it was choc. chip dough....I'm with them!)