Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WV Christmas- Ellis side

Here is the Ellis side of things for our weekend "Christmas" in WV.  Mamaw and Papaw were so excited to see us again and Ellis couldn't wait to get in the door and get to playing. 

The two of them went straight to the closet in the living room where they store a bucket of toy trucks. Papaw had made homemade chicken and noodles for lunch but when we asked Ellis if he wanted to eat he looked so disappointed and said, "but mom last time they had donuts." When Pap heard that Ellis was having donuts for lunch.

Ellis loved my cousin Trevor and I had to get their picture together because of their hair.  I thought they looked so much alike!


Here they are playing basketball together. Ellis loved this gift and said, "does my daddy have one of these?.....oh, its okay I'll let him play with mine, he will love it!" 

Alaire loved opening presents too.

Playing "how big is Alaire?"

My grandparents have a "measuring stick" on the door frame into the living room. They have the growth of all of the grandkids, cousins and miscellaneous friends and family right before their eyes. It is a tradition to be measured so I made sure that Alaire and Ellis got in on the fun.

It was an interesting weekend for us. Alaire isn't the greatest car traveler and she likes her own bed. She also had a pretty good cold which made sleeping low on her priority list. Ellis ended up sleeping up the hill at Pepaw's house with Auntie Em and Aunt Sarah. I honestly do not know what I would have done if it weren't for them helping with Ellis and my parents taking shifts with me through the night and early mornings with Alaire.

I love going home and getting to see everyone but I know I will be able to enjoy it a lot more when they are a little older. 

Pap gave me his robe as a Christmas gift and loved that I oohed and ahhhed over it. He is known for all of the "treasures" that he gives us when we are there and I really thought this was a good one. 

We had tons of visitors the first night we were there. Gracie even came over to see Alaire. Gracie's mom, Julie, Em, Sarah Beth and I were all BFF's growing up and then Gracie and Alaire were born on the very same day! It was really fun to be able to see them together again. They both love singing, bracelets.....and cheese puffs!

Stay tuned for the Meadows side. I forgot my camera that morning so I'm waiting for pictures from my mom. When those are here I will blog again.


Sabrina said...

I'm so sorry I missed the fun! I had promised my best friend to help her put her baby shower gifts away and it was 9:30 before we finished.

Anonymous said...

looks like everyone had fun!


Anonymous said...

Had Ellis grown a lot since the last time he was measured at your grandparents? I thought the boys hair-cuts looked alike, too. And how cute to have Gracie and Alaire's picture taken together! (Reminds me of the old Patty Duke Show....."Cousins, identical cousins! ...... You could lose your mind. When cousins, are two of a kind!")