Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Graeter's and Batman Ice Cream

I made a stop today at two of the "must have" establishments while I'm here. I only have Gino's in Huntington, LaRosa's, and my stop at Kroger to pick up a few cans of Skyline and Montgomery Inn BBQ sauce left to accomplish. 

Trevor and I had Penn Station on our way to the airport today and my mouth is watering again now just thinking about it. This evening was capped off with a trip to Graeter's for the best coconut chocolate chip ice cream that you could ever have. 

The funny part our trip tonight was how excited Ellis was to have ice cream. Ever since our trip to Pagosa last summer with the Sheltons he thinks that every ice cream parlor has a jukebox and Superman ice cream. I really wasn't sure how we were going to deal with the fact that Graeter's is a little more traditional in their ice cream flavors but I thought we would just go with it. Once we stepped in and you couldn't actually see the tubs of ice cream I thought we may have a problem. I searched and searched for something on the menu that had a little color to it but all I could come up with was trying to talk him into a scoop of cookies and cream. The girl behind the counter whispered that the January flavor of the month was mint cookies and cream and that it was also bright green. (ah, perfect!) I apologized to him that unfortunately they didn't have superman ice cream but would he "like to have a taste of the Batman ice cream that they have." 

EYES LIGHT UP "yeah, mom." 

I'm sure Graeter's and their Batman ice cream are now on Ellis' list of "must haves" 

See Wammy's Blog for pictures!


Meghan said...

Hey, Oh my goodness.....Ginos is a must have everytime I go to my parents house!! The all time best pizza!!!

katy said...

What a good idea! I'll file that one away for any future boys I might have...

Oh, and we took Kendra to Graeters for her first birthday. I know it seems ridiculous, but you gotta start em young!

Anonymous said...

All these places to eat are new to me. (I have been to Skyline Chili.) They all sound intriguing. I think Wabash's "The Works" has Superman Ice cream! Is it red, while and blue? I've never given it a try. I always go for something with chocolate. I'll have to peek at your Mom's blog and see the picture you mentioned.