Monday, January 26, 2009


Alaire is a full fledge weirdo! While we were in OH Auntie Em gave her a little purse that is just her size to keep her hair pretties in. She loved carrying it around but since we have gotten home she has changed it up a bit. 

We have been working on an endless mound of dirty laundry in the last few days and I have caught Alaire multiple times with Ellis' underwear around her arm and her hand is also up on her chin as it is in the picture. I have no idea where this came from!!??

In other weird news she has also become accustomed to wearing a little bling just to jazz things up. I bought her some play jewelry the other day and we keep it in a dish that she can reach in her room. She loves it. She wore all 3 necklaces to church yesterday and loved the reactions she got so I'm sure they will be making another appearance in outfits to come.  Here she is exactly as she has been wondering around today- 2 necklaces and only one of the snow boots that we just bought her for next winter, they are 4 sizes too big. 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

So weird...jsut don't let her start wearing them on her head!

Anonymous said...

Our internet has been down since Fri. I'm glad your blog doesn't expire and we can catch up on all the blogs we've missed. I loved hearing all about the fun time you had at Peep's, Wammy's, the museum, poor Ellis breaking his puke record, Eli joining your family, and Alaire's bling and love of Ellis' briefs! Nothing is boring around your house!! Praying you and Trevor have the energy to keep up with it all! Luv Ya!!

oodrea1221 said...

Kimmi asked if I had checked out your blog lately today and it reminded me to do it! That is too funny...and I noticed her bling on Sunday too! It's sweet, not weird (totally)!