Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chicken and Noodles

I made my grandfathers famous chicken and noodles tonight for dinner. The kiddos scarffed it down so I guess it was a successful first attempt. 

Ellis gave it a thumbs up and said, "God didn't make ghosts (he was eating out of a halloween bowl) but I'm glad he made chicken and noodles."


Anonymous said...

Who doesn't love chicken and noodles? Bet they were great!

Anonymous said...

It is probably just the picture but it looks like Alaire's hair is growing. Ellis looks so funny! Thank you God for chicken noodles!

Kathy said...

i think u should share the recipe.

Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious! What's not to love about it...I'm glad Ellis is feeling better. I can't believe how old they are both looking.

katy said...

Ellis is so cute! Love quote!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

What a great quote from Ellis!