Thursday, January 01, 2009

My Buddy and Kid Sister

They are for the most part such good buddies right now. Ellis helps Alaire all of the time. He will look for her cup for her, help her find her paci, and even share his snacks. The first thing Alaire does when she wakes up from her morning nap is find her brother and give him a bear hug. She also loves to copy him so I thought I would share two instances here. 

Ellis was put in time out yesterday. Our time out is on the first step and the time doesn't start until you are quiet. Ellis usually takes a little bit to get quiet so Alaire is used to watching him sit and whine on the step. Well, he finished his time out and was on his way but as soon as he was up Alaire made her way to the spot he had just gotten up from and started her own faker than fake whine session. 

Today we were in Trevor's car where their car seats sit closer together, Ellis started a very loud made up song consisting of "Ah Ah Uh Uh Ah Ah Uh Uh." Trevor was driving and couldn't take much of that so he asked him to quiet down. Alaire picked up on the attention he was getting and she decided to join in and make it a round that the two of them sang together. I turned around to try to hush them and they were both smiling ear to ear and holding hands as they how can a mom stop that????


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Hopefully the hero worship will last a lifetime! I can't wait for them to get here! I mean you all.....there will be no time outs at Pappy and Wammy's

Anonymous said...

Ellis was singing a LOUD, MADE-UP song and Daddy (that's Trevor---right) couldn't take it?!?! That is just to - - to - - funny! I love that Alaire chimed in and they were holding hands and they were smiling!!!
That is so classic Trevor.... singing at the top of his lungs and loving it! Shame on him for trying to stiffle all that cuteness.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh I'm sure there will be plenty of timeouts!


Kendra White said...

just let me say that you are in trouble... because all I can think about right now is the song... My buddy, my buddy, my buddy and me! Kid Sister, Kid Sister, Kid Sister and me!!! Rest assured I had a Kid Sister doll!!!!

Anonymous said...

can you email me:, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks