Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We just finished puppy sitting for a full bred lab named Blondie. She was one energetic puppy and the kids loved having her around. Ellis, Trevor and I would try to wear her out in the morning with walks, ball throwing and tug-of-war so in the afternoon she would snuggle up with us. 

When Blondie was going crazy that her mommy and daddy were here to pick her up no one was really paying attention to what Ellis was doing. He emptied out the entire drawer of kitchen towels and made his own little bed in her kennel. 

We had lots of fun with the puppy but we have decided that with two little one already we would be crazy to add another baby to the mix. Instead we will be getting a 5 yr. old dog named Eli  in Feb. from a friend at church that is moving to Chicago for a new job. Eli is timid and very quiet, pretty opposite of Blondie. 


sheltonfamily said...

Good idea... just remember Jabez... that dog was nuts and I can't imagine a "high-maintenance" dog when I have two calm ones. Mike is in Copper Mtn. this week so it made me think of you guys! We would love some snow here so send some our way!

Anonymous said...

We have a very low energy Beagle that we would be so sad to part with but very willing to try to sneak on the plane after your visit here. I just know she would make a perfect playmate for your new addition. What do you think?

Woof Woof

Anonymous said...

How will you get along with a dog named Eli and a son named Ellis. You are going to have fun with that!

Anonymous said...

Did Ellis mind giving up the fun little bed cage he had made?

oodrea1221 said...

What kind of dog is Eli (love that name) and I love the post about Alaire doing the fake whine and their singing session, holding hands...SO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Very good!