Saturday, January 03, 2009

Any tips?

I remember when I first found out that I was pregnant with Alaire. I was babysitting for Camdyn at the time and the most challenging part of it all was when she would wake up from her naps and I would have to re-do her hair. There were some Wednesdays that I would just hand her and her hair band to Sarah and say, "I'm so sorry I really did try." I would tell Sarah over and over, "If this baby is a girl you are going to have to give me a few lessons on hair!"

Today was the day that I was in need of my first lesson but now Sarah is a little to far away. Alaire's hair is long enough now for a little pony tail and I attempted it today. Ellis and Trevor both burst out laughing as soon as it was in so I guess we are going to have to get Sarah's sister Kimmi to give us a quick lesson on Tuesday. 


Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing...and laughing and laughing...I hope...I really hope she can't figure out how to fix the ponytail, I love the straight up look!!!!!


Katie R said...

I am jealous that Kimmi is close enough to fix your problems :) I miss her so much! She is adorable even with her straight up ponytail. :) Good luck :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love it..she has a Wammy -do. When I need a haircut and my hsir is driving mre nuts, ai do it jsut like that...not thst I would ever go anywhere in public like that. While you are here we will work on it. ai love it!

leigh ann said...

she looks like you and emmy did when your mom wasn't home and your dad did your hair!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

LeighAnn I am CRACKING UP! so ture, so very true! LOL LOL LOL
What time was it when I left my comment..or was I on drugs or what?

maren said...

Don't worry - Kimmi will definitely help you out I'm sure! :o) Plus, the straight up is stinkin' cute if you ask me! :o)

Andrea said...

Try two little piggies. =) I still do that to Callie all of the time and it's pretty cute. And by the way, I love the story about the two of them holding hands and singing in the car...priceless!

Anonymous said...

Love it! When I saw the picture (before I even read the post)I knew what it was going to be about. I totally remember us having that conversation. I hope Kimmi was able to help...I agree with everyone though, she does look darn cute still!

Anonymous said...

Just too cute!! Loved it!

The Purvis Family said...

she is precious....don't change a thing! can't wait to see you soon in cincy :)

Anonymous said...

lol,so nice

Anonymous said...

it's the baby fountain look. it's priceless. don't change it! in fact, keep doing her hair & making her keep it in - or else she'll become one of those girls who never let their momma's do their hair & it always looks stringy & nappy... i've always called them hair "pretties" (and my girls STILL do - even 10 yr old alea!)

Sabrina said...

They are both so cute I can barely stand it!

katy said...

HILARIOUS! I haven't a clue how to do anything with Kendra's aside from stick barrettes in it... I'll steal any tips that people leave you. :)

Anonymous said...

awww, she looks like "little Cindy-Lou Who" from How the Grinch Stole CHRISTmas! How adorable!!

Anonymous said...

she looks like Little Cindy-Lou-Who, from the "Grinch", lol