Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st Week of "Ellis Christmas"

Trevor flies out tomorrow so that means we have been here for a week and since I haven't blogged at all this is going to be pretty lengthy. 

Here is one family shot....pretty much the best we could do.

Ellis was way into Uncle Bryce.

We went to see The Tale of Despereaux. Alaire and I had the same opinion of the show, incredibly boring! Ellis just thought it was great that we were in a movie theater and he got to eat marshmallows. 


We tried sled riding in the snow and it wasn't nearly as fun as tractor riding.

Alaire's ALL TIME FAVORITE gift.....she loves shoes but these red cowgirl boots that Auntie Em got her have been a huge hit, when she sees them she wants them on her feet. 

We have done a lot of eating here....#1 on the list has definitely been Jim's spaghetti.

An attempt at a sibling shot.

Bryce's girlfriend April, but we call her Tini, and her dog Toby and his old sweet Seau.

The two crazies left at home.

Entire family shot. My mom's were better, but this will have to do for now. 

Cute as candy corn.

Another attempt.

Alaire's favorite spot in the basement, also Seau's favorite spot (when Alaire has food.)

Enjoying his appetizer plate.

Fashion show with their favorite gifts. 

The unveiling of the boots.

She also got a dinnerware and silverware set that she loves. 

Emmy took Michael to the Dollar General so that he could do his shopping for the family. Trevor got a gumball machine that Ellis loves because according to him "I'm 3 so I can have gum." So far I have found 6 pieces of gum in the basement carpet. Trevor says well at least he is obeying and not swallowing it. Wammy doesn't really seem to mind so I think he is getting away with it for now.

Just added this one because you can see the reaction in my cheeks. I started taking Amoxicillin a few days before we left home for a sinus infection. The first morning we were here I woke up and my mom said I looked like I was breaking out in hives. Long story short, my whole body broke out in an incredible rash that was outrageously itchy. I ended up going to an urgent care center where I got a steroid and Benadryl shot in the bum. I am still on steroid pills and the itch is now only in my toes so I think it it just about done.

Here is more red face and a rare hug from Michael.....I'm pretty sure I bribed him for it. 

Alaire loves Ellis' new slippers. 

Our first night here Michael read Ellis' bed time book to him.

He was so so so excited to sleep in "my bed in Michael's room." So much so that he bounced around at picture time and got half of his head cut out of the picture. 


Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I LOVE the boots!

sheltonfamily said...

It looks like you are having an awesome time. So fun! I love Alaire's boots. Anna LOVES shoes as well, but is very picky about them. We got her some cheap Wal-Mart Ugg type books and she won't even put them on her feet. I love her pony-tails as well. We've started doing them with the girls and they are so cute!

Andrea said...

Cute pics/kids, as always...And itchy toes are the worst, I hope they get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a great Christmas at Wammy and Pappy's! Em sure knows what little girls love!
Hope you got home from Indy in the snow safely and all your itching is a memory!! Loved all the pictures!