Thursday, December 25, 2008

We Fish you a Hairy Christmoose and a Hippo New Year

 The title comes from a cd we have been listening to non-stop in the car, "Raffi Christmas." We were listening to it again last night in the car on the way to church and Ellis said, "mom, is Christmas over?"  "No I said, it is just starting."

After church we came home and sat out our cookies and milk for Santa and a carrot for Rudolf. He said, "but mom, what about Rudolph, isn't he going to be thirsty?" I told him reindeer eat snow for their drinks and he seemed to like that answer. 

We also spread out some reindeer food that Ellis' buddy Taya from church gave to him.

I'm pretty sure they would say that Santa (a.k.a. mommy, daddy, wammy, pappy, peep, oma, and opa) did a great job! When we asked him what his favorite present was he said "my race track, and Pappy is going to get me the Batman car to go on it too!"

Alaire's favorite is definitely her baby doll! She feeds it, pats it, and shares her milk and paci's with it. 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I hope Pappy knows where to find a car like that...better begin the search right they have those at Circuit City?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great Christmas! Alaire's pj's bring back memories of Camdyn in those, she had the same ones!

Anonymous said...

What a fun Christmas! How early Christmas morning were all the presents open? Looks like the kiddos made out very well! Would have loved watching them opened in person!!

The Pavliches said...

So cute! your children are absolutely adorable, Cassie! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for the great card too...I am sending mine out in spurts, and late, so you will be getting it at some point! If kids would stop using my postage stamps as stickers!!! oxoxo

Anonymous said...

lol,so nice