Wednesday, December 03, 2008

She is getting big!

My little girl is getting big. In the last 2 weeks I feel like Alaire has developed so much in her language development. 

A few days ago I changed her diaper and gave it to her, asking her to throw it away for me, just waiting to see what she would do. She walked straight to the trash can, threw the diaper away and looked at me as if to say, "anything else." I clapped and praised her so she thought she would do it again to get a little more cheering out of me, only this time she threw away her toy and her fork. 
I have also noticed her understanding other one piece commands such as "go get your baby" or "clap your hands." 

She has also finally started signing, "more, all done, and cup" only at appropriate times. She even shakes her head "yes" and "no" at appropriate times. This afternoon I was talking to my mom on Skype when Alaire woke up from her nap. I went to get her and asked her if she wanted to talk to Wammy. She shook her head. "yes" and started saying, "hi."

A few other random things about Alaire.....
  • She could eat 3 cans of mandarin oranges in one sitting if we would let her. 
  • She is a daredevil  in many ways but tonight it was trying to walk up the stairs using the banister. 
  • She loves when Ellis wakes up from his nap so that he can play with her. 
  • She loves to dance to any music she hears. 
  • If she sees a pair of shoes she wants them on her feet. 
  • She refuses to go down the steps on her belly and instead insists on plopping down each step on her bottom.
  • She routinely out eats her brother at meals.....I would say she eats nearly triple what he eats!


Anonymous said...

yep she is for sure related to me. Loves shoes, food, doing things HER way!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love it that she recognizes me! I could talk to both of themeveryday. Can't wait until she can talk...wonder what is going on in her head?

Kathy said...

these little tidbits that you are recording are priceless.