Friday, December 05, 2008

Thank You Taya!!

My friend Molly lives right up the street. She has 3 kids, a boy a few yrs. older than Ellis, a girl a few months older than Ellis, and a girl a year younger than Alaire. I have sent a few things up to her for her youngest and she just keeps sending and sending me stuff. (Yipee for us!)

Yesterday she called and told me she was sending a snow suit down for Alaire. I loved it but I wasn't sure if it would fit. I just tried it on Alaire and she LOVES it! I took it off of her and she brought me the pants and gloves grunting and signing "more, more." Not only can she not get enough of it but it fits her great and I've gotta say she looks pretty darn cute too!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

All I can say is SASSY!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, she is adorable in that snowsuit!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

That's ADORABLE! I love it! And, the 2 pictures you said you liked of my kids were the 2 I had picked. :) The one of Layni pouting wasn't that great but I had to use it.

maren said... the cutest EVER!