Thursday, December 11, 2008

Meet Sneak

“Santa,” otherwise know as Pappy and Wammy sent us an Early Christmas gift today. It is called “the Elf on the Shelf.” It is a small stuffed elf and a book explaining that we would need to name our elf and start being nice rather than naughty because every day he would be watching. After we go to bed he magically flies back to Santa to give the days report and then flies back before morning to find a new perch to view from.

We have named our elf “Sneak” because he seems pretty sneaky. Michael’s elf’s name is “Boomerang” because he always comes back. We just can’t wait to see where he is tomorrow when he gets back from the North Pole and we promise to keep you updated on any tricks he may have!


Kendra White said...

we love "elf on the shelf"... you will have fun!

leigh ann said...

ellis made me laugh out loud in that picture of the two of you. hilarious.

Brenda said...

sneak is definitely cool, but on a different note. . .I LOVE YOUR CANISTERS! Wow, what an organized way to live! They're super cute!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Hope Sneek has some goo things to tell Santa! How could he not...Ellis and Alaire are the best kids in the world!

The Purvis Family said...

we have an elf on the shelf too! it is so fun because carson points and screams YAY! every morning when he finds him!!!