Friday, November 07, 2008


Here are the best pictures that I could get of the HUGE  jump-o-lene that we got in the mail today from Auntie Em and Uncle Bryce. They LOVE it, but I have no idea where we are going to put it, as you can see it takes up just about all of the empty space in the living room and there is no possible way it will fit in the playroom!

Ellis jumps like a mad man and does flips over the edge. Alaire can't really stand up for long in it but she loved rolling around. In fact, she loved it so much that she may have gone a little overboard in the beginning. She threw up her dinner all over it and then Ellis proceeded to roll around in it. (Hence the lack of a shirt.) Thank goodness we hadn't put the balls in it yet. 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love it. I still think you should put it in that room under the hosue and let the jump away winer, summer, spring and fall. I LOVE being able to watach them on the computer...the best gift ever!

Anonymous said...

that thing could go on the roof!


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could store that thing on a hoist in the garage and lower it when the cars are gone....... however, your garage isn't heated.... is it? Guess that wouldn't be such a great idea after all.