Saturday, November 08, 2008

Quote of the Day

I read The Davis Family Blog a lot, you can find them over in my blog list. I went to Asbury at the same time as Andrea and her husband but I never really knew them. I blog stalk them because they have children that are the same age as ours and our days seem to be so similar. It is just nice to know there is someone out there that knows exactly where you are.

Anyway Andrea has been doing blogs that she calls, "Quote of the Day" and they are so funny!! I will occasionally hear Ellis say something and think, oh now that is quote worthy but by the time I sit down to blog about it I have forgotten about it. I'm goign to try to be more intentional about it and share the funny things he says so start looking for our "Quote of the Day."

I just sat down to find a podcast that I'm going to listen to once he is in bed and he says:

 "Hey Mom, I have vanilla hair and you have chocolate hair!"


Anonymous said...

I love how this boy thinks! Ice cream rules!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

So ask him tomorrow what color hair Wammy has...

Anonymous said...

that's a great idea...& funny saying!


Anonymous said...

THat is hilarious! I love the things that come out of their mouth! I wish we could figure out exactly what they were thinking, although sometimes we may not want to!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bryce has strawberry cheeks

Andrea said...

Oh, Cassie, can I tell you how good it makes me feel to know that you stalk my blog, too? I get made fun of for stalking blogs of people I don't really know, but now I know I'm in good company! =) I just wish we lived closer so our kids could give us "Conversations of the Day" between Ellis & Callie to blog about! =)