Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Pizza and Obedience

Manhattan Christian College was here on Sunday visiting the Student Ministry at church and after service they took Trevor and a few of the Seniors out for pizza. Apparently there was a bunch left over and Trevor brought a slice home for Ellis and me. I had to catch a picture of Ellis eating his. It was so funny to me. He didn't want us to cut it up for him and it was larger than the entire upper half of his body. 

In other Ellis news we have been working tirelessly on obedience the first time without whining and crying. We have pulled up the reins a little because we have noticed him trying to manipulate us with his whining. Yesterday we were asking him to do something and he was at it again, pretending not to listen so that he wouldn't have to obey. The conversation went a little like this...

Mommy- Ellis I want you to pick up those toys and put them where they go in your room.
Mommy- Ellis I know you heard me.
Mommy- Ellis are you going to choose to obey?
Ellis- What mom?
Mommy- Tell me what I just said.
Ellis- Achey Smootchy Wooky Toom
Dad- quickly covers his head with his coat and then nearly busts a gut laughing.
Mommy- (Hoping for better luck next time) Just pick up the toys and take them to your room please.
Ellis- (acting as if this is a totally new idea) Oh, okay mom.


maren said...

I'm glad we're not the only ones having a time trying to get the kid to listen the FIRST time :o) hee hee! LOVE the pizza picture - so fabulous!!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I don't know what you are thinking...you and your siblings do the same thing to me...good luck with that one. Remember...it is called selective hearing...been around forever!

I'm not showing that pizza pic to Michael...he wil want to live in CO for ever if that's the size of food there!

Katie R said...
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Katie R said...

I think I didn't learn to listen the first time without whining until high school... :)

Katie R said...

mine posted twice... sorry.

Andrea said...

haha I'm laughing out loud with your husband on this one...it's so hard not to laugh at the things that come out of their mouths! I love the pizza picture, too. Cute!

Erin said...

Please forgive me because I am laughing- but I promise it is sympathetic laughter. We are going through the exact same thing here. It is driving me nuts! I guess this is where God planned that cute-ness to come in handy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a HUGE piece of pizza! (He didn't eat the whole thing, did he?)

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Love the pizza! Did he eat the whole thing? :) We're having trouble with listening and obedience right now too... it's about to make me lose my mind!

Anonymous said...

Grace wants to know where she can get a huge piece of pizza!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ellis! You can't let Trevor eat all the pizza. That looks just your size. I am glad Ellis loves Pizza like the rest of the Oakes' clan. Love, O'pa

Anonymous said...

How long did it take him to wolf that hugh slice down?
Did he ask for a 2nd piece?" That pic is priceless!
He should be on a billboard!