Friday, October 24, 2008

New Videos

I have just added a video of Alaire trying to find her nose. We have been practicing her nose and ears and when we say, "Alaire, where is your..." she just smiles a cute little smile and points to her eyebrow every time. It is one of those things that they do that is so cute that you don't really mind how long it takes for them to learn it correctly. 

I also have a pretty good video of Ellis but for some reason my camera/computer won't let me download it. We will keep trying to check back and you will get to hear the crazy answers he gave me when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love the video! She is jsut too darn cute.

Anonymous said...

Great video! Can't wait to see the other one you mentioned. We can see them grow-up right before our eyes!