Monday, October 13, 2008

Dedicated to Mam and Pap

Just a random shot of Alaire. She thinks she is so funny when she has a helmet on.

My dad is in WV visiting my grandparents today and they are planning on heading over to Uncle Terry and Aunt Lisa's for a little blog viewing. In honor of their readership I thought I would do a little photo shoot with the kiddos today.......what am I crazy......well I wasn't before the photo shoot but I am now. 

I bribed Ellis with M&Ms and it was  a big mistake. He kept saying, "here mom get this one, this will be a good one" because I told him after every good picture he could have a treat. 

He chose the clothing for the shoot.  I thought Alaire's was a little much but I just went with it because I figured if anything at least it will match her snot!

As you can see we didn't get many good ones we were a little rushed.

She wouldn't smile during the photo session but as soon as she could escape up the stairs she was nothing but smiles.

Here they are checking out their loot from the Boo Bags that Pappy, Wammy, Sarah and Michael sent today.

Ellis rode his skateboard to the mailbox.


Anonymous said...

Seeing Alaire in her helmet makes me think of Ellis and all of his hats. I love the pic of the two of them! It's so great!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Alaire looks like 'Little Bird' They are too funny. Looks like the Boo Bags were a big hit! We got Booed twice. Michael loved it. Ellis...what a goof...he takes pictures like his mother did whens he was little...or it just might be all those curls. Can't wait to see what Mamaw says about the blog.

sheltonfamily said...

Yeah we can get very few good pics these days especially with Anna cause she won't sit still. I love Alaire and her yellow sweater! I'm sure they will all love the pics. no matter what!

Katie R said...

they're so cute :)

Anonymous said...

you are a fun mom! i love the feathery top... was it not sticky to her snot the whole time? and you gotta love the forced smiles from little boys! (they have so little patience for things like that :)
i updated my blog!!!!!!