Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

I'm sure you guessed it by the title, but we went to the circus last night. Ellis has a friend named Hannah in his class at church and Hannah's mom is in my mom's group so they asked us if we would want to go. We didn't tell Ellis we were going until he woke up from his nap and he was so excited but then when we told him we were going with Hannah he was ecstatic!! 

We got there early so that we could see the pre-show and Ellis was really excited about it until we started walking down to the floor and then the ugly cry with the arms that flail and the legs that kick like crazy started so we decided that we would catch up with Hannah and her family when they came back to our seats and we would just watch from afar.

This is the best picture we have of the kiddos. Hannah has a little brother named Logan that is a little younger than Alaire. Hannah and Ellis were cracking us up. They fed one another popcorn and cotton candy and gave a nearly constant play by play.

She was pointing for probably 75% of the time that she was actually awake.

We didn't get great pictures of the actual show but there are a few here just to give you the idea.

Here is a list of our favorites...
Ellis- "The funny guy that does all of the talking, (the ring master) or I just like all of it."
Trevor- The motorcycles in the big metal ball.
Cassie- The trapeze.
Alaire- Anything she could point out to us.

I would say they had fun. Ellis asked, "when can we go back to the circus" before we got out of the parking lot and he was asleep by the time we hit the highway. The show started a half an hour after her bed time so Alaire slept through most of the second half of the show. They both went to bed in their clothes! 


Katie R said...

How much fun! your kiddos are so cute.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I can't believe Katie beat me to the comments. I love that you got to go to the circus. I remember taking you when you were little. We sat with the Heath's remember them? Sure you do! Ellis and Alsire look like they are having a great time. And I know the 'dance' Ellis was doing...we saw it from Michael last night at the homecoming parade.

katy said...

What cute pictures! It looks like you all had so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a blast. Oh and your hair looks really long! I am pretty sure that the dud Ellis was referring to is called the ring master not the ring leader.

Anonymous said...

So fun! I can't wait to go to the circus! Looks like he was mesmerized by the show!