Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Alaire's first steps

I just added a video of Alaire taking a few steps. She actually took about 4 steps about a week ago but we haven't been able to get her to do it again until now. 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

OH BOY!!!!! Make sure there is nothing she can hit her head on...oh, wait that is the hearth at Meem's and Peep's. Good job little girl. Wish I could be there to see it in person.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is great. She will be into everything soon. We are so proud of her. Keep it up Alaire. Love, O'Pa Oakes

Anonymous said...

Know you are so proud of Alaire! It is fun to see a video of her walking! It would be so much better in person---I agree with Wammy on that!!