Sunday, September 21, 2008

They are up!

I added the video of Alaire walking and we also got a pretty good one of Ellis singing his ABCs. He never wants to do anything in front of the camera so consider yourselves lucky! Just click on the first two titles to the left under "Movies of the Bug and Ladybug.


Andrea said...

OK, so now I'm going to use Ellis' ABC video to help Callie get on the ball with saying hers! =) I love that he totally imitated your hubby, then sang it "pretty" for you. What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

what in the world do you feed that kid?

Anonymous said...

Loved, Loved, Loved the new videos of the g-kids!!!
Alaire is really getting stronger and faster on her walker. She looks so cute and Ellis is running around all over the place... but he's being pretty nice about it. I was really proud of both of them. The "ABC's" song had such great variety! He looks so insulted when you and Trevor correct him in the background. It is just so classic! I love the videos - they help so much when I need a good g-kids "fix". We live too far away!!!!