Friday, September 19, 2008

Alaire walks and Ellis' socks

These first few pictures really have nothing to do with this post but I thought that I got some good ones, so here ya go. 

Don't be confused by the title, Alaire isn't walking on her own yet, but she has been walking with an assistive device for about a month now. I have been getting requests for video of it so I took them outside today to try to get one. As soon as I put those little bare feet into the grass she raised one foot up and never let it down.....this can make it kinda hard to push, let alone walk!

We were able to get a video of her after dinner that I will post as soon as I get it edited. As a disclaimer for when I do get it uploaded, please excuse the maniac in the "Big Brother" t-shirt, he was having a hard time allowing his sister to have the spotlight for a moment.

So, Ellis and the socks...

The child loves his socks. Trevor and I occasionally will list the things Ellis got from one of us. The list on my side is usually pretty long and the list on Trevor's tends to be a little shorter. However, one thing he definitely got from his dad is the NEED to have socks and shoes on as soon as his little feet hit the floor in the morning until those little piggies are tucked into the covers at night, and even then he still insists on always having socks on. Oh, and they have to be new socks thanks to Michael because the old ones that he wore all day "are sweaty." 

Lately it has really been a struggle for me to have a pair of clean socks ready for him. I thought that I was just really running behind on laundry and because of his changing socks addiction I was unable to get ahead. 

Tonight as we were getting ready to read the bedtime book Trevor happened to look into the crack between Ellis' bed and the wall and you will never guess what he found. Look in the picture, that pile of white is an extremely large pile of dirty socks. 

The only thing that I can come up with is that since he can now put on his own socks he must put the ones he has had on for the morning into the crack at nap time and has a new pair on before he comes out of his room after his nap.


Anonymous said...

boys are so creative with their craziness, aren't they? this is priceless...
while i was in the bathroom, trey made himself a puddle to jump into:(by pouring an umpteenth amount of cupfulls of water all over floor).

Anonymous said...

give me a blog with the things Ellis gets from you and the things he gets from trevor. put daredevil at the top of trevors list.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Speaking of Michael at hot socks...this week when I got him off the bus..the bus driver stopped him to tie his shoe. I asked him why his shoe was off..."my foot was hot and sweaty and I had to let it air out." Boys will be boys. I think that was the same daay that his jeans were completely unzipped and gaping wide open...he could have cared less.

Anonymous said...

The look on Ellis' face in the last picture is so hilarious! Quite a pile of socks there... but a gold mine for you, too. (At least you know your dryer didn't "eat" them!)

Alaire will be walking on her own pretty soon I think. Wonder if she'll be walking by her 1st B-Day?

Never a dull moment around your place!

Anonymous said...

THE SOCK ADDICT! Now you've caught the little bugger. That likely comes from me. I don't take my shoes off till I get into bed. I also love to have many differnt socks. I have so many in my sock drawer, I cannot close it completely. I also used to change outfits 2-3 times per day from a baseball outfit, to football, to shorts for BB. etc. Ellis is OK, Dad Oakes