Monday, November 26, 2007

I know that I haven't been blogging much at all lately and I can't say it is because we have been busy, but I have really just been enjoying laying around the house doing nothing and hanging out in our pj's....or for Ellis his underwear. Trevor has been off since Thanksgiving so we have been staying home and attempting to potty train Ellis. I think he still may be a little young for it but he will sit and has started to tell us sometimes when he needs to go. We have had our fair share of accidents but who is coutning right!! Check out his droopy underwear.

Besides going to church on Saturday night the kids and I haven't been outside of a 5 mile radius of our housein days. (We did go to the grocery store). Our Thanksgiving was great. We spent it at home and had the traditional favorites. I didn't make a full blown Turkey but just turkey breasts which I put in the crockpot using a recipe that I thought may turn out like GG's turkey from the party we went to. (I wasn't that lucky but they were still good.....and Ellis said the green beans and chicken were yummy.) A few days before Thanksgiving it snowed so we took Ellis out to play that morning before Alaire woke up. He loved it for about 5 minutes, until snow got in his gloves and his feet got wet. I guess someone will be getting new snow boots and waterproof gloves from Santa.

I will blame it on being in the house all of this time and the cold weather, but Trevor and I have gotten a little creative in the last few days. He made Ellis a drum set out of diaper boxes and I made Ellis a rocket shirt. Trevor came up with the idea on his own. I however got the idea from my sister and another blog that I like to read. I think the shirt turned out pretty well and Ellis seems to love his drums especially the cymbals.



Anonymous said...

Wow! What fun! Do you still have tons of snow on the ground? Loved the shirt and drums. Are the drums as loud as the real deal? Those little boy briefs are so cute! (Where was Alaire? I missed seeing a picture of her.)
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys have had fun staying at home. Some of my favorite times are when that has happened. I can't believe Ellis is already being potty trained! The drums are too creative, and love the smile on his face! I have to agree though, missed seeing that one pic of Alaire!

Kendra White said...

The drums are so amazing.. i showed Eric and he said he could do a lot of stuff with duct tape, but does not think the can pull the drums off. The shirt is precious. I think you need to come up with a toy solider for Christmas... and once again... we need some pics of the princess!

Anonymous said...

Where is Alaire. Just wait till she gets her new dress then we will be taking lots of pictures. I love Droopy!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love all the pictures of Ellis. And I know why there are nopictures of Alaire..thelittle that...she was getting her beauty sleep. That's when all the boy fun happens. But I cried when I saw all the dishes on your table for Thanksgiving. Dishes from Mamaw, dishes from Meem and your favorite dish from Peep not to mention the candle sticks from you wedding. See we all were together for Thankgiving even though we were miles and miles apart.

Becca said...

I absolutely LOVE the drum set! So creative. It's been a couple of weeks since I've visited your blog and you guys have been so busy! I love all the new pictures!

Anonymous said...

love to suck his d--k