Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Two nights ago was what I think is quickly becoming one of my favorite nights of the year.....the night we break out the fleece footie pj's. Oh how I love to snuggle the little one in a footie pj. He just looked so warm and cozy.
I know most of my friends have been complaining about taking their kids to the pumkin patch in the blazing heat but we are loving the weather out here. Trevor walks around the house saying he is freezing but I'm pregnant and I still want to sleep with the windows open eventhough it is in the 40s most nights.
I just had to add this picture of Ellis from today. He has had a great last few days. He is sleeping awesome and just seems so happy all of the time. Today on our way home from the church he was singing a song to himself about a crane and tractors. We stopped at a stop light and I looked in the rear view mirror to see that he had found his sunglasses and put them on upside down. When I turned around he started singing about how red lights mean stop and it didn't evn cause a pause when I started taking pictures.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love it. He makes me laugh. I have been packing already...imagine...and I have filled the suitcase with sweatshirts and lots of long sleeved t's. Michael insists that he bring all his snow stuff because he is going to roll down a mountain of snow in CO. I think we might have to pack one big suitcase of baby clothes and things for Ellis..oh well, what's a Wammy to do!

Kendra White said...


I too love footie pj's we are getting closer. I love that he makes up songs. Keep us updated on ladybug!

Anonymous said...

he would love the book Pete and Pillar its about trucks I found it for my son at the Christian bookstore check it out!

Anonymous said...

I love the time to pull out the fleece pjs as well. I have Camdyn's packed for CO and can't wait to put her in them! Yeah for cold weather, well, at least cool weather is welcome now!

sheltonfamily said...

Oh to wear fleece pajamas. I think those days are over here in TX. Mike is going to Crested Butte Dec. 30-Jan4 for a ski trip. Is that near you? I can't believe little ladybug is almost here. I'm sure you are so ready. There is nothing more exhausting than chasing a toddler and being pregnant. I can't wait to hear her name! Miss you all!