Thursday, October 11, 2007

Old Friends

We have been waiting for what seems like forever for this little visitor and her mom to make their way to CO to see us (and her Nana and Papaw). Sarah and Camdyn are here and we didn't think that we would get to see them until tomorrow but they stopped here on there way home from the airport. Ellis was so excited when he saw them pull up and he just ran around in circles for a while until he started running back to the plaly room bringing out his favorite toys to show to Camdyn. One of the toys was his KU basketball. Camdyn picked it up and I just knew I had to get a picture of her, so for all of you in Topeka reading this make sure Matt mourns the fact that he didn't come along on this trip to guard his daughter from the dreaded Jayhawks!!


Anonymous said...

I love it! I called Matt this morning and told him he HAD to look at the blog. I am surprised he hasn't commented yet...looking forward to seeing you tonight!

maren said...

We are huge Jayhawk fans too and have that same ball! Love that you did that - just for Matt! :o)