Friday, October 05, 2007

to big

I say it over and over again, but he is getting to big. It is a good thing that ladybug will be here soon or I just don't know what I would do.
On Trevor's days off we try to think of something fun that we can all do together so the other day we thought we would make some cookies. I was in charge of the instructing and Bug and Trevor were in charge of the measuring, dumping and mixing. We were well into the process when I said 1/3 cup sugar. I stepped away and came back just in time to see a full cup of sugar being dumped into the bowl. At that point there was no turning back. We made a trip to the grocery store and tripled the recipe. Its a good thing we all like oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! We now have a few dozen balls of dough in the freezer. If you ask me that was one of the best mistakes we have ever made.
On Wednesdays we spend much of our afternoon and evening at the church for youth group. Ellis wants to go to his class as soon as we get there so we usually have to find something to keep him busy for a few hours until he teachers get there. Some Wednesdays this is sort of difficult but this Wednesday it was a breeze. The facilities guys were working on the property with a big green tractor. We of course made our way out there and "drove" it but he liked sitting in the bucket the best. He was so dirty by the time we got him back inside but I know he loved every minute of it because he was still talking about it today.

Ladybug update: I guess it is any time now so you may be thinking that we will be sharing her name soon, well I hate to disappoint but I think we have decided to keep our mouths shut until she is actually born because it just keeps changing. I am actually very attatched to a name currently that isn't even on the poll so I guess we will all just have to wait and see. We did our hospital walk through last week and my most important question was answered with a you have wifi? So be checking back in the next few weeks because I'm sure this will be the first place that you can see pictures of her!


The Pavliches said...

Too precious...boys and baking melts me. I can't wait to hear that you have had that baby! Ellis is going to seem SO big...just don't look at his hands, they will seem so big that you'll cry.
Love ya,

sheltonfamily said...

Wow! I'm so curious about your name. I hope Trevor likes the mystery name as well. Ellis and Ellie would be such good friends...They like so many of the same things. I hope Ellis adjusts well to his new baby sister! He looks so big in these pictures and so cute. I love his cute little curls. Are they as out of control as Ellie's? Enjoy your last few weeks!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Save me some cookies, but hide them from Pappy and Michael. WE love choclate chip anything. I am trying to figure out the name that has finally been chosen. I so liked a few on the list..but am still holdong on to Marie for a middle name...carry on the tradidion... Adaire Marie sounds really fine to me. Dad still likes Katherine Jean...Katie for short. Whatever the name I'll still cry when I see her and finally get to smell that unforgetable baby smell. Can't wait...please try to cross you legs until the 23! HA!

leigh ann said...

well i'm certainly glad they have wifi. i'd hate for you to have to drag your little postpartum hormonal self down to panera when you could be staying at the hospital taking full advantage of a couple night's rest with babysitting provided.

The Purvis Family said...

oh cas that cookie dough looks amazing! YUM!
ellis is too cute with his blonde curls :) i can't wait to see how carson hair comes in - just peach fuzz right now!