Saturday, October 13, 2007

More fun with Camdyn

It would be really nice if Ladybug were here so that I would have something to do when I'm up at all hours of the night but for now those of you that read my blog will reap the benifit. Last night I was bummed when Trevor wanted to go to bed and he said it was weird because it has always been the other way around. I'm sure it will be back to normal soon enough but right now I am just not sleeping so I guess I will tell you about yesterday.
Last night we went over to the King's for dinner. I thought I was going to have to wake Ellis up from his nap in order to get us there (he slept 4hrs. 15min.) but as soon as he woke up I asked him if he wanted to go see Camdyn and he hopped right out of bed. When we pulled up he said "Nana's house, fun." He still calls Kelli nanna, he just can't get that "K" out and I probably speak for both of us when I say I hope he never does because I think its cute. Anyway this is one of the only pictures that I got of them together. They were really interested in the same books and these light up tinkerbell and buzz lightyear toys but the problem was they were not really interested in sharing them. On a side note, I'm looking at these pictures and don't they look like they could be siblings? They even have the same curls in the back.
This was the only semi-good picture I got of them watching movies of Ireland (Camdyn's cousin) singing and dancing. Camdyn was cracking up the whole time and Ellis was watching with this perplexed look on his face (like why is she doing that) until the end where she started shaking her head really hard.
Count yourselves lucky to be seeing this picture. If it weren't for my absent mindedness lately it wouldn't be on here at all. I was sitting on the couch putting Ellis PJ's on him and Kelli looked at me and said "are you putting those on over his shorts?' I'm still laughing about it now, not only the funniness of that but also that she was so nice to even ask in a way that made it sound like that was actually a possibility. I threw her my camera and had her take a picture. It's kinda hard to tell because he had camo shorts on yesterday. Ha, to bad I didn't have that huge belly in camo.


Anonymous said...


These pictures just make me more excited for Monday to get here! Can't wait to see all of you!

Love Ya!

Anonymous said...


I just noticed the "All Aboard!" video!!! It is great!!
Loved it!
See you soon!

Kendra White said...

You look great.. thanks for the email of encouragement. We had a great time. We are praying for ladybug and her big arrival!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

2aolSo, tomorrow could be the start of a big few the minute you finish at the dr office...

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow at the doctor...I hope he gives you some good news! It was great to see you guys this weekend...Hope we can see you again soon!

Anonymous said...

new name for the baby

you can name her tiney oakes --

and when she grows up

you can call her tene oakes

it will make bryce happy