Thursday, September 06, 2007

Its been sooooo long!

I know I know it has been forever since I have posted and this is going to be forever long so please feel free just to look at the pictures. I had wanted to finish up the house and then take pictures and post but Trevor and I were almost finished and we caught a nasty flu sort of bug and were out of commission for a while so it took us extra long to finish but here they are....finally.
This is obviously our bedroom. We usually have a quilt (the one on top of the skinny sheving unit) on our bed but I am now not sleeping with any covers so it has now been layed aside for colder months.
There are still a few plastic bins in our room of maternity clothes that will just have to stay for a little while longer. It seems dumb for Trevor to have to take them to the crawl space for storage when they will soon be added to.......I can't wait not to have maternity clothes in my wardrobe, I'm so sick of them!!
This is our bathroom. Trevor picked to color on his own while I was in Cincy. I love it but the debate is still on going as to if we will paint all four walls.....I'm all for it, he however likes to take the artistic side and say it is finished.
The futon in the play room is Ellis' favorite spot to sit and watch videos of Michael on my computer. His favorite one is when they had picked us up from the airport this summer and Michael went on a burping spree on the car ride that I caught on tape.

The play room also doubles as my little spot to open mail and pay bills. Trevor's grandmother (GG) gave us this desk. It was her husbands and she refinished it. It is one of my favorite peices of furniture.

Ellis ended up getting our large wardrobe. It is now full of toys. I thought I could put his dresser to better use myself and he doesn't seem to mind. We still have the airplanes that Trevor and Jeff Marshall made for him before he was born. It's kind of ironic that we got they idea from the Denver airport when we came here for our honeymoon. Ellis points to them every once in a while and says shshshskkkkk (his word for airplane).
Just another shot of Bug's bed. He still loves that painting that Trevor did, and still amazingly enough does great in his big boy bed.
Ladybug's room turned out great in my opinion. I will get another picture of the bed again as soon as I get all of the clothes that Auntie Em sent sorted and out of the floor. Just know that the dust ruffle really looks cute too.
I love the "Rothko" that Trevor did while we were in Topeka in her room and I think the pillow my mom made is great. I tried washing the arm rest of the rocker and ended up ruining them so I think I'm going to just recover the whole thing and make new ones.
I love the curtain. I think it makes the room. I didn't know what to think when Trevor originally picked the fabric but I guess he was right again.
Now for a little update on what we have been up to. We made our first trip to the DMV at least a month ago in hopes of leaving with two new CO liscenses but ended up leaving with only mine. It's a long story and so ridiculous!!! Anyway this was our second trip. We learned from the first one to get there early. We were there about 15 minutes before they opened and this is the line Trevor stood in. Lets just say they lived up to their reputation once again on this trip but he did get it in the mail today so I guess this means that we are official residents.
While unpacking boxes we found a box of toys that Ellis hadn't seen for more than three months. It was like Christmas for him all over again. I can't believe this is the best picture I have because he take this dog with him everywhere he goes. Mam and Pap got it for him for his birthday but he loves it now. It sleeps beside his bed and he even takes it to the bathroom to hold it over the toilet so that it can go "potty". We asked him what its name was and he said "truck" so we now have the best pet dog a mom could wish for......on a side note whenever we ask him if we should name his sister Claire or Carlee he says we should name her "truck" as well????
A few weekends ago before we got so sick our church had a huge church picnic and car/motorcycle show. This was right up Ellis' alley. They had tons of stuff for kids including a petting zoo (he kept calling the goats doggies) and a hayride. Ellis loved the hayride but I on the other hand didn't realize how expansive (and bumpy) Lifebridge's property was....not exactly what a pregnant girl dreams of.
Trevor was in the dunk tank for 20 minutes and was a great sport about it. Earlier in the morning he had been watching them dump ice into the water so he wasn't exactly looking forward to it but everytime a little kid came close to the target he "fell" in.
These last two pictures are Ellis' new things that he likes to do. He pushes a chair over to the counter every time one of us is cooking and says "I watch." The cutest though, is when Trevor is grilling and Ellis wants to help. He thinks he needs an apron too so we tie mine up around his armpits and he becomes the greatest little chef you have ever seen.

Coloring is our other daily activity. I didn't realize he would like it so much but one day before we left the Kings he colored with Kelli and loved it so I decided to get him some washable markers. I have had to hide them on the top of the fridge because I just can't sit there all day long coloring balls when he asks me to just so he can scribble over top of them like it is the funniest thing he has ever done.

Keep checking back with us and be patient becasue hopefully we will have this internet thing figured out.....but then again by that time I will have my hands full with two. The doctor says we are doing just fine and right on schedule. I'm hoping for a little early though.....but you know how that goes.


Anonymous said...


I can't wait to see your home... in person! It looks great in the pictures... but... it is never the same as being there.
I'm so excited to see that Ellis likes to color! Trevor loved anything resembling coloring or crafts or painting..... like when he wasn't much older than Ellis is now and he rollered paint on the carpeting in the hall of the church "Parsonage" in Denver, stepping in it with his sock covered feet and making footprints all over the living room carpet, kitchen carpet and carpeted stairs to the basement! (All this when his dad wasn't there to clean it up!! ) I had to do it by myself and it took me hours with a rented steam vac! ( Don't even get me started with his love for matches and making fires!!!!)
Glad you both are official Colorado residents complete with driver's license and new cell phone numbers!
Miss you and Love you..."a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah a new blog! I was so excited. I can't believe how much Ellis has changed in just three months...we do need to get out there before he totally forgets who we are! The house looks great and Ladybugs room is precious! Maybe if/when I come in October I can bring some of Camdyn's clothes for her (if I can figure out how to pack them!). Anyways, hope to see you guys soon!

sheltonfamily said...

Love your new home. We have been just as crazy busy that I have not made a good post lately cause I knew it would be a really long one with pictures of our new house! I love ladybug's room. Your house looks great. Enjoy your time with just one little one! Mike and I decided the other day we thought that two year old twins would be easier than a 2 yr. old and a 7 month old! Have a great weekend!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love all the pictures. Glad everyone finally feels better and that you are up and at em again. The rooms look great, but i would love to see a picture of Ladybugs dust ruffel on the crib. The curtian looks great!

Glad to see that you have a budding chef also. Michel loves to cook. And the good thing about it is that he actually turns out some pretty good food.

ext you will have to make some playdough for Ellis. I will send you a good recipe or maybe I will wait until I visit to make some special for him so he can help.

Anonymous said...

looking good! I love Lady bug's room. I was wondering if you were ever goona post again, I had almost given up. well I will let you know how the dashboard treat goes on monday!