Friday, August 24, 2007

Home.....and hopefully for a while!

It was so great to be able to spend a few weeks at my parents house this summer but it is also so nice to be home.
Our last day in the "Big City" as Michael calls it was spent pretty layed back which was nice. Mom and Ellis made us waffles for breakfast, one of my all time favorites, and I think you could probably say the same for mom, Michael, and Ellis.
After breakfast Ellis went in to sit in the recliner like Michael does most mornings. He thought he was big stuff sitting in Michael's chair and when I told him to smile for the picture he held this cheesey grin for more than long enough. I thought it was so funny. More and more we are seeing what his personality is. He is such a happy kid and I think he is growing way to fast.
When Michael woke up we decided to watch his new favorite show, Ice Road Truckers. I know it doesn't sound that great but I will confess he has gotten me hooked as well. In his words..."this show is so cool." Ellis liked it as well. In fact it was like a competion between the two of them as to who could talk about the show more while it was on. Michael just repeats all of the suspenseful comments that the narrator makes and Ellis screams "Big Truck" over and over again.
If you read my blog at all while I was away you knew that my big worry about our return home was the switching of Ellis to his toddler bed. We had planned on doing it cold turkey so Trevor had everything set up for him when we got home all that we had to do was add the tractor sheets that we had made. Let me just say we have the best kid ever. I have no idea why I was so nervous about switching him. The switch went like this....we gave him a bath and got him ready for bed and then Trevor read him a story. I had asked if I could put him down that night because I was so nervous about the whole thing and I'm a control freak. Trevor agreed and I took my place in the glider. What would have normally happened would be Trevor picking up Ellis and his blanket, turning off the lights and putting the bug in my lap, but it went nothing like that. I sat in the glider, Trevor turned off the lights and I asked Ellis if he wanted to get his wankie and come and sit on mommy's lap. He said no, hopped right up into his bed with his wankie and paci looked at me and said "ni-night." I have to say my feelings were a little hurt but I said my goodbyes and walked out and shut the door behind me. I met Trevor in the hallway and if we thought that it wouldn't have bothered Ellis I think we would've set off fireworks right there in the middle of the hall. I had thought that naptime may not go as well but I guess he was just ready because every time he just gets in his bed and goes to sleep. Trevor even went in last night before we went to bed to check on him and just as he opened the door Ellis fell out of bed. He said it didn't even wake him up, he just picked him up and put him back in.
After the bed the first thing we did when we got home was go get a stool for Ellis' new bathroom. He loves to brush his teeth and after doing it by himself on the stool at Wammy and Pappy's house there was no turning back. He is very observant and has picked up on the fact that you spit when you brush your teeth. It is hillarious, he doesn't know how to spit so every once in a while he just smacks his lips to make the sound.
Here are the pictures of the rooms that are actually finished. Ellis' still has a few things on the floor in the other corner but most of his stuff is done. We just need to hang his airplanes. As you can see we had to change his sheets to the diggers and when we unpacked the airplane quilt that Oma made him I notice that it matches the paint in his room perfectly and fits the toddler bed even better. He loves it too so we add it to our "things that go."
We finished the living room two nights ago and I love it. We were both kinda worried that we had gone a little overboared on picking the orange paint color but now that all of our stuff is in there I think it looks great. Trevor just keeps saying over and over again "I love our house." I on the other hand keep saying I know "we are rich, we have 3 bathrooms." Don't let me fool you we are in no way rich by way of money but I guess rich in many other ways.

Every time that I think I have finished the kitchen I find a new box but here is what it looks like so far. We have the paint but we are planning on unpacking all of the boxes before we start that project. I was actually having a semi mental breakdown this morning looking at all of the stuff we have to do. I know that it would be finished by now if I weren't nearing the end of being pregnant but as it is now we are taking it slow. I think Trevor sensed my needing a break so he sent me off to Panera to do a blog. All that to say you won't be hearing from me quite as much until the house is finished and we figure out if we can afford I said we aren't rich rich. Trevor told me tonight that some guys at the church asked him to go play softball tonight and he said that he couldn't do any extra cirricular activities until all of the boxes are empty and everything is back in order so I guess the same goes for me.


leigh ann said...

hmmm...if you tally up trips to panera (gas to get there, something to eat maybe, gas to get home) you might as well just pay for the wireless...

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Sounds like the creasy's might know a little bit about trips to Panera....The living room looks great. I think I really like the orange. Maybe when we come we can make some accent pillows for the couch to brighten up the brown side. Ellis sleeping in his bed is so sweet. Michael got a new toothbrush and toothpaste fro the dentist but won't use them...he likes his old stuff beter. He insists that Ellis needs his tooth paste from here. I guess MArk has lost his name to the recliner. The little boys love it.

And aren't we all richer than we think. Counting my blessings!

Anonymous said...

Love the house and the pic of Ellis sleeping in his bed! Crazy that he's already that old. I can't wait to see the rest of it. I agree, we do need to come visit, I am hoping sometime in October...I know tht's when the baby is due, so hopefully we'll at least get to say hi!

Anonymous said...

I love the orange!!! I can not wait to see the rest of the house. have you painted your room? well you know that you have not rich unless you have canned pop just ask Bryce.

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Your house is very cute! It's amazing how much easier they handle transitions than you think - bed, pacis, potty, etc. It stresses the Mommys out so much more than the boys!

Nana said...

You know, my house is much closer than Panera, and you know your wireless works there!! Sad I saw the finished product on your blog and haven't had time to stop by. Hopefully I will soon. This darn job!!!

leigh ann said...

would you get to panera already and update this blog?! i miss knowing what's going on with you!