Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another week

Man it really stinks not being able to update more often. I feel like I'm missing out on telling a lot of hillarious stories about Ellis. I'm sure I have thought this before but I really think that this is my favorite age so far. He is so funny and every day Trevor and I look at each other amazed that he knows what we are talking about or stunned that he can put whatever words he has just used together.
I think he remembers everything. My parents sent us the box of stuff that we weren't able to fit into our suitcase for our trip home. The first thing that Ellis saw in there was his Broncos hat. He said "go broncos" (I didn't know that he could recognize their colors or mascot) and put his hat on. That didn't last long though becasue on the bottom of the box was his helmet. Yes, it has made its way back into his world, but it is a little less fun here than it is at Wammy and Pappy's because we don't have a tractor or a bike for him just yet. The toothpaste was the other big hit. By the way this is just a side note, but my sister and I noticed that the second ingredient in this particular "kids toothpaste" is sugar....something just seems wrong about that, am I right?
Ellis is really benefiting from me being pregnant. I almost always have to have a treat of some sort and this week it was dreyers chocolate ice cream with magic shell. When we were at the grocery store making my purchase we let Ellis get a special treat as well.....sprinkles. I almost never say no the the ice cream treat with sprinkles because he is so darn cute when he says "sprinkles" and does the treat dance.
He may be our little mister fix it. We have had the tool box out a lot lately hanging things and he loves to "fix" his mower or help out with whatever project we are working on. This day Trevor was hanging my kitchen radio and Ellis loved to hit the "beep" on the drill and he had to have his own set of goggles to keep the saw dust out of his eyes.
I have no idea why this happened. I just walked in on them both cracking up laughing. For days afterward I was the one telling Ellis "no we aren't getting in the dryer you will just have to wait for daddy to get home."
I would have to say that this is his new love for the week. "I paint." One of our favorite nursery workers in Topeka, Jan, gave me a book called the Toddler's Busy Book before we left. It has tons of fun stuff to do with toddlers in it. It was pretty cold this day and Trevor and I didn't feel like going out and doing much so I got the book out and thought Ellis would love this......boy was I right. We just added a little dish soap to finger paint and let him paint all over the sliding glass door. We painted trucks, trash trucks, helicpters, and airplanes. Trevor asked me later if there was anything else in that book, I think I would have a hard time saying who had more fun. Now we paint everything and I have had to hide the paint brushes. Last night we filled up a bowl with water and let him "paint" the front stoop. That was perfect too becasue there was no clean up for me and he had an endless supply of painting spce because when he would turn around he would have a new spot to paint becasue the old spot was now dry.
This picture doesn't do it justice so I may have to try to add a video of him doing it but he is saying "all aboard" really loud. When he screams it he wants one of us to run at him and kiss him like crazy. If you respond I promise you will be playing it for quite a while!


Anonymous said...

I can not believe how big he looks. I think I have said that in every post, but seriously...sheesh! I need to get out there! I hope you are feeling well (since there was no mention of that)! Can't wait to see that video!

Katie R said...

I am so glad you have a new blog!! I was worried about y'all. Kelli said you were sick. I hope you are feeling better. I was disappointed that I didn't finally get to meet you last week.Enjoy fall, Vegas is still hardcore summer (100 degrees) and it's frustrating. I am ready for a sweatshirt!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I know the feeling about being out of blog commission. Now that I am a member of the working funny is that after about 10 years, I am so tired and have so much toi catch up on around here that by the time I get to the computer I can hardly hold my head up. Maybe soon I will get into a grove....Ellis looks great...Love Mr. Fix-It. Don't you remember "pinting" with paint brushes all over the house? Glad to hear the things in the box were a hit. Wish I could have sent the tractor...maybe we will bring it in Oct.

Anonymous said...

What fun! Ellis is at such a great age.... everything is new and toddlers are like sponges soaking up life! They are also great at passing that freshness on to all around them.
Hope you are all going to stay well now. Cassie, you're coming down the home stretch!!!! Keeping you in our prayers.
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

I wanna see the all aboard video. oh and tell Jen to switch her thing so that I can leave her messages without being a member.