Thursday, August 02, 2007

Jello Night......Yuck

Ellis and I have been working hard on the house for the last two days just cleaning the bathrooms, the kitchen, and wiping down the base boards. Everyday he discovers something new and different. Today he actually comprehended what "out" and "in" mean. I felt like I was watching Bert and Ernie on Seseme Street. He was in the shower "cleaning" the tile and he would say "in" and then he would step out and say "out." It went on for at least 5 minutes.
I couldn't believe that he didn't find this little play nook on his own so today I had to show it to him. The coat closet has a huge storage area in it that tucks under the stairs. The previous owners put up a cardboard wall for their kids with a door in it. I don't know if this is actually a window for that or what it is but Ellis loved it. He ended up taking all of his toys in there and I didn't see him again for about 15 minutes.

After how busy we were yesterday Ellis and I made our way in to town with Daddy to have a little fun with the middle school students from church at Jello Night. I honestly don't know who had more fun, Trevor, Ellis, or the students. They played tons of games with Jello but I think the highlight of the whole night was this stuff called Yuck that Trevor got from LifeKids. It's really gross but it is one of those things you just can't stop playing with. It is very similar to the stuff that they put in diapers. I think Trevor told me that it soaks up ten times it's own weight. There were puddles around all of the trees around the property. Ellis stayed put and ended up swimming circles around this tree.
Once the students discovered how cool the yuck was I had to move Ellis to a few buckets full of yuck in a safer spot on the sidewalk. We are definately going to have to look into that Yuck stuff when we go visit Michael again.


O'ma & O'pa said...

What a terrific place to play! Know wonder Ellis loved the room!
I got such a kick out of the "in" and "out" story! Would love to see him in action on some of these great tales and adventures you have together!
Glad the "Yuck" went over so well, still can't imagine what it is!!!

Love Ya!
(You are really getting alot of action on your Vote for a Name for Ladybug!)

sheltonfamily said...

Hey guys, love your story, and i think the little secret room for Ellis is awesome. It's so cool. Can you guys see the mountains from your house? Is that a dumb question?

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Bring on the yuck...sounds awesome...maybe we can fill the swimming pool with it. I'm sure that Luke will love it too. Love, love, love the little room...wish you all had had one when you were little. The closest we came to that were all the boxes Dad brought home from work. The house looks great! WE NEED TO SEE A VIDEO OF IN AND OUT....

Anonymous said...

Cute house! can't wait to see it. The little room is so cool, Ellis will jsut love it. I need the recipe for this "yuck" I would love to try it!

leigh ann said...

need more info on the yuck. i'm cracking up over the picture of ellis peeking through the little hole. his little face looks like a picture in a frame.

WooYeaThatsHott said...

wow, ellis has gotten so big!
I miss you guys tons!
Hope everything is great!