Monday, July 02, 2007


I hadn't planned on posting this picture but since my mom has it on her site I thought I would save you a step. Ladybug is growing nicely. She was not happy with her brother yesterday evening. I ended up chasing him around most of the time we were at the youth service last night and I was feeling it by the end of the night. I have put myself on "Bug" rest for today and there will be no lifting of the little guy since it is Trevor's day off.

The big update for the blog is that I finally figured out how to add a link for movies of Ellis. The Sheltons inspired me a long time ago but watching all of the videos on my mom's blog put me over the edge, so if you look to the left you should see a link to our first movie, entitled Words and Songs. I was so surprised by how much he had learned while I was singing with him. He did the motions all on his own. He learns a new word almost everyday and today I noticed that he said mail as we walked past the mailboxes.


Anonymous said...

You look great! Love the shirt! :o) Loved the video, he has already changed so much!

sheltonfamily said...

Oh.. we laughed so much... we love the Praise song...We will have to do a new video. Mike said he could help me load it on the blog. Mike also said wow cassie looks really thin. I said I agree... did you know she's pregnant. He forgot so quite the compliment! Miss you guys!
ps- mike got the iphone for free!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

You look great - I only dream of looking like that when I'm pregnant! I absolutely love the video of Ellis. Enjoy him because they grow up too fast!

Anonymous said...

The Video of you and Ellis is AWESOME! I LOVED it!! Here I am, sitting in a motel lobby in Kansas City (Doug's at the NACC golf scramble and I'm missing seeing you and ... voila! ... there you are!... almost here with me!! That is just toooooo cool!!!

leigh ann said...

cassie, you look GREAT! good girl for posting a picture of yourself.