Monday, July 02, 2007

Just a good day

Somehow Ellis must have known that today was Trevor's day off because he usually wakes up hollering for me but today it was "daaaaaa daaaaaa". Believe me I love the sound of that! We had planned to really wear him out this morning so that we could put him down a little early in hopes that he would be happy when it came to house hunting time. First we went for a morning walk, which he loved because it was still early enough that the sprinklers were on. This made for a little bit of a wet walk but he enjoyed every minute of it.
When we made it back from the walk we went straight to bubbles. He tries to blow them and can get a few of them blown but he got a little frustrated so he gave it to Dad and enjoyed popping them instead. The plan worked and he was ready for a nap around 11:00. We did have to wake him up to meet our realtor but at least he got almost 3hrs. The good news is we think that we may have found a house so we will keep you updated on all that is soon to come.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I have noticed that the birdbath has ben moved to a more prominate place. I wonder why...Love the looks of the house and the extra room...does need a little painting...just let me know, I already have my paintbrush packed.

Anonymous said...

YEAH for finding a new house (hopefully). What does it look like? Is it new construction? I'd love to hear all about it!

sheltonfamily said...

I love the daily Ellis updates... I remember those days of I cannot pick Ellie up one more time cause I might go into early labor. I can't imagine house hunting in the midst of it all, but now that I think about it we did do that. What were we thinking? God's strength will be sufficient!