Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fishing for Nemo

I know that I have said this before but I'm always surprised at how much Ellis and Michael actually play together. This morning they had the great idea to throw all of the pillows that were upstairs to the bottom of the steps. Michael would go to get them and then Ellis did most of the throwing. I think that Michael has realized that if Ellis is a part of it he probably won't get in trouble.

After all of the throwing had happened they layed at the bottom of the floor and rolled around having pillow fights.

Once all of the pillows had been put away we decided that we had better make our way to the fishing pond before it started raining. Michael was so excited, Ellis was as well but I think that was more because of all of the snacks we brought. Ellis never actually touched a pole but he did eat a lot.

On our way there Michael told Peep that he was not tying his worm on the hook because it was just too gross. We tried to coax him into at least touching the worm but he just wouldn't have it. Ellis on the other hand played with this worm. I think you can see how grossed out Michael was by Ellis trying to rip this worm apart. Just after I took this picture he was throwing the worm on Stitch (the dog) and then saying "wee" as it slid to the ground.
Don't let the picture fool you. It was Pepaw's fish, he just let Michael reel it in. Mom caught one too but Peep was the winner by weight. By the time we had two fish I was praying for rain. I never have been much of a fisherman. When we used to go to Canada for vacation I hated every minute of the fishing and only liked the day we went on the ferry. Michael was hot and ready as well so with the first rain drop the two of us started packing up and we coaxed the "Meadows" away from their poles.
I was left at home to watch the boys after the big fishing trip. I was feeding Ellis lunch when Michael came down from playing a webkinz game Emmy showed him on the computer and he asked me to come and help him buy a train. I didn't think anything of it because I watched him play it a few days ago and he was trading gems he found for other items, that was until he said that he had already put in his address. When I went up stairs to take a look I found that he had somehow gotten onto a toy store page and put 1224 train cars into his cart. His total was $61,000. Lets just say I was thankful that my mom had her wallet with her and that he had no idea what he was doing.


leigh ann said...

oh my gosh the story about michael and the trains made me laugh out loud!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Michael, I hate touching worms! Ellis is really really brave!
So glad the trains deal was derailed before it actually went through!!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I laughed about the Michael train story as well, but I wasn't surprised at the same time! Ellis has grown so much since we saw him's like he's a kid now, not a toddler...crazy how fast it goes! Thanks for the compliment, and funny you say that about #2 b/c I have gotten countless comments since Camdyn is one now! Sheesh! :o)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You guys have had quite the time, I do believe even though it is hard to see through the helmet that is always on my sons head...I think he is bigger.
I love the hair cut, but cannot see it fully, maybe a head on and side view what do you say?

The dresses are pretty and the train story is still crack'n me up! I think you should check the history to see how in the world he got to where he was???

That is funny! Miss you guys can't wait to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Cas,

Richard from Topeka, his wife Marian Sutherland passed away suddenly today. So, be praying for Richard as I know his health is going to hurt with this loss.