Monday, July 16, 2007

The big bike ride day

Yeah, I know, he has had the helmet on pretty much ALL day long! We did go for a little photo shoot this morning so that my parents could have another portrait of Ellis....and I'm sure we will have more to share with some of you. The funny part is while he was outside waiting for everyone with Pappy he took a dive into the cement so he has a big red abrasion on his forehead. The one time he didn't have the helmet on he hits his head. We got the pictures anyway and came home for a nap. After nap time we went for a little swim. Michael actually did most of the swimming but Ellis did enjoy splashing around in the water and just hanging out by the pool.
Ellis was introduced ot my dad's fish. Some of you may not know the fish but I know for sure that at least the Napier kids definately get it, especially Jason, he has a love/hate relationship with the fish.

Tonight before dinner was the big bike ride we have all been waiting for. We stopped off at the bike rental store and I rode my bike a few blocks down the rode and met everyone else in the van at the bike trail. Ellis cried the whole way from the bike shop to the trail thinking that he just had to watch me ride and didn't get to get on himself. Once we were all on our bikes and ready to go we headed out on our expedition. Ellis laughed for the first few minutes and kept turning his head behind us to make sure that Pappy was still with us.
We stopped at a little rest stop along the trail for a snack and water break and then decided that we should probably go back if we were ever going to eat dinner tonight. About half way back I commented to my mom that Ellis must be having tons of fun because I could really feel him moving around. At about that time I turned around and saw that he was practically standing up. It was then that I realized that Sarah and I had gotten his feet strapped in really well but neither of us had actually fastened the belt over his shoulders. It was a good thing that I realized it when I did because shortly after strapping him in I ran off of the trail.
We got home just in time for a hot dog, strawberries, and some cheese. He also said "pickle" tonight at dinner. I gave him one and he seemed so proud that he actually got it out, proud but he still didn't eat it. Tomorrow is another big day too, Pepaw is on his way to see us.....there is a fishing trip in the works!


leigh ann said...

never met your dad's fish, although i'm pretty sure i'm familiar with that. but i DO know for a fact never to kiss mark ellis on the cheek.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss such a fun day? How can that kid not like pickles?

O'ma & O'pa said...

It's probably a good thing Ellis was wearing his helmet on the bike ride or it sounds like that would be the time he would have fallen out on his head!
Those Oakes' boys have always loved bike hikes!
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on here in so long and I had so much to catch up on! Looks like you guys are having tons of fun with the fam! I know we have been! Definitely staying active, but I guess with Ellis there isn't another choice!