Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Packed Day

Yesterday was another packed full day. We wanted to make sure we got our money's worth for the bike rental so as soon as we got up we all went for another bike ride around the neighborhood. We didn't get very far when Michael's chain fell off. After flipping it over we found that it needed to go to the bike shop. We all loaded up in the van to make the trip, but only after Ellis had a chance to drive with Pappy.
The bike shop was, I'm sure, what Ellis imagines heaven to look like. After attempting to ride a few he just ran up and down the bike aisles pointing to all of them saying "bike, go, go, go."
After nap time we all sat out on the front porch and waited for the big arrival of Peep and Stitch. When they did get here it was straight to work and Ellis and Michael were right in the middle of it. There were a few times that I was surprised that Ellis made it away from Michael's shovel with all of his toes still intact but they both made it through all right and I'm pretty sure Pepaw and Gammy got what they were doing finished, even with all of the "help."

Michael and Ellis took their bath together last night and you should have seen that water as it was going down the drain. We almost felt like we should fill the tub up again and give them another bath to clean off what was still there from the first one. If you ask me though, bath tub water is always a good measure of how good your day was.
Trevor called just after bath time so Auntie Em watched Ellis for a little while so that I could talk to him. (He said things are going well at camp and he even got to sleep in yesterday.)When I returned they were watching a movie trailer of Happy Feet on Youtube. At one point Ellis was raising his hands and clapping to the beat.


Anonymous said...

Looks like another fun-filled day! Hopefully he likes yardwork as he gets older too! :o)

O'ma & O'pa said...

Looked like a lot of hot dusty work going on at the Ellis house yesterday. It always makes for a goodnight's sleep!
If anyone was working in dirt, you could be sure to find Trevor right in the middle of it when he was a toddler. Guess he still likes to be outside and doing something fun..... maybe not mowing the lawn.
When are you going to Lexington?
Love Ya!

sheltonfamily said...

Ellie loves happy feet as well and Mike always shows it to her on you tube... So how do I post a video from youtube on the blog? Ellis looks all boy with all his dirt and bike rides. I am proud of Ellie for liking Diego more than Dora! Have fun!

Meghan said...

U tube must be and aunt thing, my sister always has my kids watching kid movie trailers on there as well!